Daily Timetable
The daily learning timetable at Upwey South Primary School is designed to reflect that 'structures drive behaviours'. Our daily timetable maximises opportunities for on-task learning, student voice, inclusion, and student engagement.
The Upwey South Primary School daily timetable offers students three recess breaks (as opposed to a traditional primary model of two recess breaks), allowing for students to engage with regular learning breaks as part of our school-wide trauma-informed practices.
In addition to the timetable below, students are provided with supervised eating times throughout the day, consisting of:
- in-class supervised brain food breaks (early morning and late afternoon dependent upon age-level)
- in-class supervised morning snack 10:20am -10:30am
- in-class supervised lunch 12:40pm - 12:50pm
- in-class supervised afternoon snack 2:00pm - 2:10pm
Students are not permitted to take food into the yard during recess breaks.
Term Dates
Term 1: Start date: 30th January - Finish date: 28th March
Term 2: Start date: 15th April - Finish date: 28th June
Term 3: Start date: 15th July - Finish date: 20th September
Term 4: Start date: 7th October - Finish date: 20th December
Term 1: Start date: 29th January - Finish date: 4th April
Term 2: Start date: 22nd April - Finish date: 4th July
Term 3: Start date: 21st July - Finish date: 19th September
Term 4: Start date: 6th October - Finish date: 19th December
For additional dates refer to: